Is Technology Keeping You & Your Business From Moving Forward?

Stacie Walker
5 min readAug 19, 2020

Is technology keeping you and your business stuck?

If so, you’re definitely not alone.

Many women who have taken the leap to have an online coaching, consulting or healing business are frustrated with it.

Love it or hate it, it’s here to stay.

For the most part, it makes life so much easier.

Not only does it connect you with more people, it simplifies much of the daily operations in your business.

When it comes to using tech in your business, you don’t have to let it keep you and your business stuck in the same place longer than necessary.

Recently, I had an email exchange with someone I recently started working with.

She’s a beautiful soul and is very determined to build her dream business.

I stand behind her vision.

And the business and life she wants to create.

That’s why I decided to take her on as a client.

She revealed that she has carried a belief that has kept her stuck in the same place for who knows how long.





I don’t know.

I didn’t ask.

What I do know is that this belief has stopped so many people in their tracks from making money in their coaching, consulting or healing business.

You may carry this same limiting belief, too.

She believed that she couldn’t be visible or take any action at all in her business because of tech.


Sometimes I want to scream!

This belief always gets to me because it comes up a LOT in the minds of the people I work with.

I totally understand.

Once upon a time, I carried this same belief.

If you have this belief or you believe that there is only one way to reach your money goals in your business, then keep reading.

This is going to be GOOD!

True story…

My client Stephanie who is a relationship coach, committed to showing up four days a week on Facebook to share a five minute live stream of valuable content relevant to her area of expertise.

That’s a total of 20 minutes of pressing that go live button every week.

On those four days, she also committed to genuinely connect with people on Facebook and within her existing network.

None of that, “Hey girl!” fake connections. I’m sure you’ve had those types of messages in your DM’s.

You know.

The people who immediately pitch you their stuff and they didn’t even bother to find out about your needs first. Talk about burning a bridge.

Okay, my mini rant is over.

Let me get back to Stephanie.

On those four days, she committed to publicly share what she does, what kind of people she works with and how she helps her clients.

And she’s proud to declare it out loud.

On those four days, she committed to invite anyone interested in learning more about her services to schedule a Is Your Relationship Over? Session and to find out if they are a good fit to work together.

And then she made sure to include the link to the online calendar on her posts.

F.Y.I. I totally made up the name of her sessions but it’s pretty genius, huh? Lol!

The money goal she has committed to making per month is $5,000 for the next six months.

She has to land two new clients a month to meet that goal.

Her 3 month program is $2,500.

Do you know what happened from her doing this four days a week over a four month period?

She has landed 8 clients!

Her income has jumped to $20,000 in FOUR MONTHS!

She is achieving this goal and just started her business four months ago.

And guess what happened?

She was able to accomplish her money goal with no email list, no website and no fancy smancy tech.

She used a simple link to her online appointment calendar. She also used a link for her clients to pay her.

That’s it!

Here’s what contributed Stephanie’s results:

Her unshakable confidence and belief in herself, no matter the outcome of her actions.

Her unshakable confidence and belief in the value she brings to the market.

She committed to showing up where people are.

She committed to using one platform (Facebook) and connected with people.

She committed to sharing three specific things on that one platform.

1.) Her area of expertise.

2.) Who she works with.

3.) How she helps the people she works with.

Not only did she share those three things on Facebook, she shared it with whoever asked her what she did for a living.

She committed to inviting interested viewers or readers from her posts on Facebook to schedule a call on her calendar to find out if they are a good fit to work together. She used an online calendar link, so people could schedule a call on their own.

By the way…

Stephanie is in the process of building her email marketing system. She’s able to invest in hiring a V.A. to help her put it together.

I’m sharing Stephanie’s story with you to remind you that tech is just a tool.

A tool.

The tech can distract us from doing the actual work that produces immediate revenue.

Stephanie focused on the actual work that produces immediate revenue.

Not the tech.

Unless you have a LOT of people reaching out to work with you at a rapid rate, a tool is not should not stop you from landing a couple of clients.

Stephanie is starting to experience a LOT of people reaching to her at a rapid rate and needs to get her foundational systems set up with a quickness.

That’s why we’re working together.

She built up a ton of momentum by keeping it SIMPLE.

And it has paid off big time.

Congratulations, Stephanie!

Final Thoughts

There is more than one path to achieve your money goals in your business.

You just have to open your mind and see that there’s more than one way to make it happen.

And ALWAYS invest in working with someone who has experience where you don’t and who can see what you don’t.

It’s a smart decision to receive hands on support.

If you’re wanting to experience results that are similar to Stephanie, then I can help you shed light on where you can’t see. Check my bio below.

Just in case this is your first time here, my name is Stacie Walker. I’m the founder of Unleash Your Ambition.

My mission is to help you design a high-converting client or customer attraction process, so you can fast track the growth of your coaching or consulting business without experiencing overwhelm or burnout.

If you want to find out if we’re a good fit to work together, then click here and let’s talk.



Stacie Walker

Nature Babe. Marketing Expert. Business Strategist. Podcast Personality. Host of The Unleash Your Ambition Podcast.